Rigoberta and Rigoberta, the new carers of our vegetable patch, arrived at school a few days ago. Both Mateo and Sasha and their families have worked hard in order to create our two new caretakers and all of us fish are very grateful.
We are very excited and hope that Rigoberto and Rigoberta fulfil their role; keeping all the diferent types of birds far away from all our crops.

In addition, we are working in a register book in which we annotate everything that happens in our garden patch. Every day we go out to observe it, to check if it needs to be watered, to remove dry leaves and weeds and we have even collected some strawberries which have being ripering.
We have verified that beans grow very quickly and that the reason why onions have died (excepting one of them) is due to the excessive watering.

All this process is registered in the observation calendar and in the register book through which we are working, so that we can remenber how the allotment was before planting and how it is during and after it. All this allows us to generate hypotheses and reach conclusions about how we have carried the planting and harvesting process out.

Alumnos/as de 5 años.